samedi 7 mars 2015

Your Simple Solution for Eating a Healthy Diet That Promotes Fat Loss (Permanently)

Your Simple Solution for Eating a Healthy Diet That Promotes Fat Loss (Permanently)
The Fat Burning Kitchen ProgramI'm going to show you that eating for permanent fat loss and prevention of terrible diseases like diabetes, heart disease or cancer does NOT have to be complicated.
In fact, if you choose the RIGHT foods, and understand how these foods react with your body, this method is a way for you to automatically attain the right calorie level without the need to EVER count calories again.
That's why I've teamed up with expert nutrition researcher, Catherine Ebeling, and we've co-authored this new program for you:

The Fat Burning Kitchen  
Your 24-Hour Diet Transformation to Make Your Body a Fat-Burning Machine

Inside this brand new program, you'll find:
  • The true secret to making calorie-counting obsolete... this is the same principle that will automatically eliminate your cravings and control your appetite permanently (it's the same reason that I personally haven't had a real "craving" in at least 7 years) -- pg 1-2
  • The truth about polyunsaturated fats (omega-6's and omega-3's) that most food companies don't want you to know -- pg.18
  • Which protein bars or energy bars are actually candy bars in disguise and which bars are actually good for you -- pg.50
  • The real deal on saturated fat and cholesterol, and why they are essential in your diet -- pg.59  (Without enough saturated fats and cholesterol in your diet, you can actually HARM your hormone balance)
  • The "whole grain" deception and why whole grain crackers, breads, and cereals are packing more bodyfat on you -- pg.9
  • Why that skim milk may not be so good for you after all, and the dirty truth about homogenized milk too -- pg.29
  • The one time when tilapia and salmon are NOT health foods (plus the best alternatives) -- pg.36
  • A healthy fat-burning burger option?  Yes -- pg.60
  • Why soymilk, tofu, and veggie burgers could be increasing your belly fat -- pg.41
  • Are sports drinks stifling your fat-burning and making you AGE faster? -- pg.46
  • The ONLY truly healthy options for sweeteners... even non-caloric sweeteners -- pg.83
  • A surprisingly healthy fat in some animal products that actually helps you burn fat & build muscle (it even helps to fight cancer) -- pg.60
  • Why egg whites are actually WORSE for you than whole eggs -- pg.65
  • Do diet sodas and other diet drinks hurt your fat loss efforts? -- pg.22
  • Is whole milk actually better for you than skim milk?  There's more to the story -- pg.67
  • A type of saturated fat that actually helps to stimulate your metabolism -- pg. 112
  • The one time when delicious creamy chocolate can even help to prevent your sweet tooth cravings (It even helps improve your blood pressure too!)  -- pg.88
  • Does green tea or oolong tea really increase your metabolism and help fat loss?  The truth -- pg.90
  • Which fruits & veggies are okay to choose non-organic -- pg.94
  • ...and TONS more secrets to help you permanently transform your diet to force your body to burn fat more effectively, while also preventing cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

Imagine waking up every morning FULL of energy, heading to the bathroom and looking at your reflection in the mirror and actually LOVING what you see...
... Now imagine heading to your kitchen and actually feeling good about the food and drinks you see in your refrigerator and cupboard -- no more struggling trying to understand what's healthy, what's unhealthy, what's going to help you lose weight, what's going to make you gain weight...
... whether a certain food fits in to the latest and greatest diet fad of the month (they seem to pop up every month, right?).

Imagine how great you'll look and feel when you KNOW the foods that are actually good for you, that boost your metabolismheal your jointsMELT away stubborn fat, and FIGHT aging are actually DELICIOUS, loaded with nutrition, and satisfy your appetite!
Not only are you going to finally discover the truth about the foods in your kitchen and grocery store, but you're also going to:
  • Discover how protein from these specific types of animals, not ony HELP you burn fat and gain muscle, but are also high in heart-healthy fatty acids (I bet you didn't know THIS)
  • Delicious, nutritious, and mouth-watering meal ideas that not only satisfy your appetite (which STOPS dangerous cravings), but also burn stomach fat and FIGHT aging
  • The 3 BEST types of wild-caught fish (a couple probably aren't what you think), as well as a specific type of fish you should NEVER eat
  • The truth about EGGS - the media makes it very difficult to understand whether you should or should not eat eggs... and why.  Discover the truth about eggs, and why you should begin eating them regularly (but you must discover WHY first)
  • Like cheese?  You're about to discover one of the BEST appetite-suppressants around... but you need to eat these specific types of cheese to get the benefit
  • Coconut oil and stomach fat? The truth about coconut oil may surprise you!
  • The best type of NUTS for fat loss - CAUTION: some of the most popular types of nuts found in grocery stores are NOT healthy, and actually CAUSE weight gain, but others are PROVEN in studies to reduce abdominal fat, balance blood sugar, and more!
  • Discover "nature's vaso-dilator" and how this 1 nutrient can drastically improve blood flow and circulation, which not only helps your heart, but also boosts your energy levels
  • Discover how 1 very FATTY food actually helps your body burn MORE fat - very odd, but scientifically proven.  This food is also GREAT for your brain, and makes a great snack for kids and toddlers.
  • The BEST sweeteners to add to your food and drinks.  You know that sugar is horrible for your waistline and health, but do you know the best things to use instead that add mouth-watering sweetness to your morning coffee, cereals, and desserts?  Yes, you CAN enjoy your morning coffee while getting incredible health benefits from it too!  Coffee is a rich source of powerful anti-aging antioxidants, but most people make it WRONG.
  • Discover how chocolate can be enjoyed on a daily basis!  This tip not only helps you LOSE fat, but also FIGHTS the aging process!  Eat up and enjoy... but you must discover the very specific TYPE of chocolate first.

Try it first, and THEN decide 
Of course, as always, you have our Iron-Clad 8-week 100% money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the program for any reason.
So you can actually try out the program first and start transforming your diet habits and your body, and then decide if this was right for you.  If at any time in 8 weeks, you decide that this wasn't for you, you can simply email us for a prompt and courteous refund.

Let's get you started right away on solving your diet problems for life and creating a permanent fat-burning environment inside your body.

Special Bonus Section Added:
The Super-Advanced Nutritional Tactics That I Used to Go From 10.2% Body Fat to 6.9% Body Fat in Just Over 3 Weeks (23 days to be exact)
 That's right... although I usually stay in great shape year round, I ended up planning a photo shoot recently and needed to drop a couple % more body fat, and I only had just over 3 weeks to prepare for it.
When you're already fairly lean (I was right around 10% bodyfat at the time), that is when it's hardest to lose that last bit of "stubborn fat", so it takes some advanced strategies to get rid of the last bit of fat.
After studying advanced fat loss techniques for years, I knew exactly what I needed to do and it was just a matter of taking action on it.  So I put together all of my most advanced fat loss techniques I've learned over the years and got to work.


In this advanced nutritional fat-burning bonus section, I give you all the dirty details about exactly how I went from 10.2% body fat to 6.9% body fat in only 23 days.  Don't worry, there's absolutely no "fluff" in this section with bland and boring generic advice like "eat lots of fruits and veggies"... Everybody knows that...
Instead, this is the real nitty gritty details of everything I ate, meal timing, carb/protein/fat ratios and the exact timing in relation to workouts to maximize fat burning... and the advanced methods I used for the specific types of exercises and workouts that were necessary to maximize fat loss and lean muscle maintenance for such a short time period.
I even give you the details for the really advanced tactics that involved specific foods, teas, nutrients, spices, etc that I used to get the fastest results during these 23 days.
The powerful thing is... if these techniques worked for me, for that hardest to lose "stubborn fat", then it will work even better for you if you have a little bit more fat to lose. 
 These methods should ONLY be used for 3-4 weeks and ONLY on occasion when you need to really drop body fat and get leaner FAST for perhaps an event that you're preparing for... maybe a wedding, or a beach vacation, or a cruise, or your own photo shoot... whenever you need that extra "burst" of fat loss in just 3-4 weeks time frame.
Grab your copy of The Fat Burning Kitchen today, because this Advanced Fat Burning section is so good and so detailed that we'll be selling it separately for $34.95 in the near future
You'll get the entire 23-Day Advanced Nutritional Fat Burning Blueprint Bonus Section for FREE if you order today.

Pre-Sale 75% Discount!
Act fast! Your discount expires
when the timer runs out...

Buy The Fat Kitchen Now

Why Wheat is KILLING you -- Yes, even "whole wheat"

There are 3 main reasons why wheat is a terrible food for your body and does more harm than good...
Reason #1 -- Wheat causes blood sugar disruption, Glycation of your cells, increases AGING, weight gain & boosts Diabetes risk
Before I tell you why wheat can actually speed up the aging process in your body, let's clarify some simple biochemistry in your body...
This deals with "glycation" in your body, and substances called Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs).  These nasty little compounds called AGEs speed up the aging process in your body including damage over time to your organs, your joints, and of course, wrinkled skin.
So with that said, what is one of the biggest factors that increase production of AGEs inside your body?  This may surprise you, but high blood sugar levels over time dramatically increase age-accelerating AGEs in your body.  This is why type 2 diabetics many times appear that they have not aged well and look older than their real age.  But this age-increasing effect is NOT just limited to diabetics.
So, let's get back to how "whole wheat" relates to this...

Here is a little-known fact that's often covered up by the massive marketing campaigns by giant food companies that want you to believe that "whole wheat" is healthy for you... but the fact is that wheat contains a very unusual type of carbohydrate (not found in other foods) called Amylopectin-A, which has been found in some tests to spike your blood sugar HIGHER than even pure table sugar.
In fact, amylopectin-A (from wheat) raises your blood sugar MORE than almost any other carbohydrate source on earth based on blood sugar response testing that's documented in studies.
This means that wheat-based foods such as breads, bagels, cereals, muffins, and other baked goods often cause MUCH higher blood sugar levels than most other carbohydrate sources.  If you don't believe me, here's something you should know... I ran personal blood sugar tests on myself using a blood glucometer about 45 minutes after eating 2 slices of wheat bread vs eating a bowl of oatmeal, with equivalent grams of carbohydrates.
The blood sugar test results of wheat vs oatmeal:
2 slices of whole wheat toast:
45 minutes after consumption:  Blood sugar spiked from 86 fasting level to 155

1 Bowl of Oatmeal (equivalent grams of carbs to 2 slices wheat toast)
45 minutes after consumption:   Blood sugar increased from 86 fasting level to 112 

As you know now, the higher your average blood sugar levels are over time, the more AGEs are formed inside your body, which makes you age FASTER.  Clearly, the whole wheat spiked blood sugar MUCH higher than the oatmeal, and if you don't know, 155 is a massive blood sugar reading that will certainly contribute to faster aging if you eat wheat frequently... and most people eat wheat without even thinking about it at almost EVERY meal...Yikes!
Not only that, but the high blood sugar spikes caused by wheat also makes your body pump out more insulin which makes you pack on more body fat... Not fun at all!
These massive blood sugar spikes from eating wheat daily also cause damage over time to your blood sugar regulation system, harming your pancreas, causing insulin resistance, and eventually causing type 2 Diabetes.  I think we have a strong case against eating so-called "healthy" wheat!

Reason #2 -- Gluten and other gut-damaging compounds
The topic of gluten is on fire in the media lately... But most people are confused as to whether there's any real health risks with gluten for the average person that doesn't have Celiac disease.
The truth is that even if you are not officially "gluten intolerant" or "gluten sensitive", there are hundreds of published studies that indicate that gluten can cause inflammation in your digestive system, and even cause "permeability" in your gut, which can lead to a health condition that's on the rise lately called Leaky Gut, as well as other digestive issues and autoimmune problems.
Scientists theorize that the reason gluten is causing these digestive system problems is due to the excessive hybridization of wheat over the last 50 years, which has created newly modified gluten molecules that are foreign to the human digestive system compared to the ancient wheat that humans ate for several thousand years historically, and even compared to the wheat that your grandparents ate 50+ years ago.

Reason #3 -- Antinutrients and mineral blockers in wheat
The third reason that wheat is terrible for you is that it contains what's called "antinutrients", which are naturally occurring compounds in the wheat plant, but can cause undesirable effects in humans that eat too much of them.  One of these antinutrients is called phytates, which blocks the absorption in your body of certain minerals like zinc, iron, manganese, and calcium if you eat wheat too often. 
Again, most people eat wheat with almost every meal (cereal in the morning, bread on sandwich at lunch, and pasta or bread at dinner), so this can cause a mineral deficiency in your body over time that leads to many health conditions.
Wheat has other mineral blockers and antinutrients aside from phytates, such as lectins.  Lectins are another constituent of wheat that causes gut irritation.  Yet another reason to minimize or eliminate wheat from your diet.  There's absolutely nothing "essential" about wheat in the human diet...It simply does more harm than good...period. 
Many people often ask me... "But what about the FIBER in wheat?  I thought that's why it's supposed to be healthy?"
Sorry, you can get ALL of the fiber you need from fruits, veggies, and nuts, without the digestive system damage and massive blood sugar issues that are caused by wheat.
Note:  It's important to keep reading this page because I'll show you how to get access to ALL of my best secrets for AVOIDING wheat, but still eating amazingly delicious meals that BOOST your metabolism, BALANCE your hormones, FIGHT diabetes & cancer, and also help reduce abdominal fat.  It's easier than you think, so don't think that eating healthy has to be "boring" like so many people foolishly believe.

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